Sunday, May 8, 2016

Here I Am

Whew! This is a tough one.  

I went on a run yesterday with a group of gals that I'll be completing a relay run with. Comstock Odyssey. It was a 6.6 miler. On the way,  a picture was taken of me standing next to a Llama that greeted us.  After the run, we went to breakfast where I determined that since I ran so far, I needed to make up my calories. Eggs, bacon, hash browns, 2 pieces of sour dough and french vanilla coffee. As I ate and ate and ate, I started to feel guilty.  Then I was told that the picture with me and the Llama was on FaceBook and tagged. I rushed to see how it turned out. 

When I saw it I was so ashamed and said 'oh no!'  Out came the words of 'Oh My Gosh, I'm a cow!'  I was quickly told the embrace my body.  This got me to think about that for the next 24 hours. She was right! I made the body it was today and if I don't embrace what I made, who should? 

In this picture I'm at 210 pounds! My waist is at 44 inches. Holy moly! 

I'm starting this blog in hopes that I can stay on the path to actual acceptance and embrace. 

Welcome to my journey. I hope you find something helpful, funny, enriching, positive.